Physical activity is known to promote weight loss, improve body composition, and help minimize risk factors for some major chronic diseases. It also helps elevate mood, concentration, and cognitive function. Along with the visual and internal benefits of running, I am a big fan of the endorphins and other chemicals released that create increased brain function and better mood. Have you experienced this, too?

Many people don’t know where to start or what to do when it comes to becoming more physically active. You will find health assessments and questionnaires that will be used to create a systematic and progressive comprehensive program design to address your needs and desires. Workout routines will be designed to help you reach a level of better flexibility, mobility, range of motion, bone density, core, strength, and cardiovascular ability.

Wow! That’s a lot of technical stuff! Not to worry, though. I will build all of this into your easy to understand program design. Each individual is different and will start at a different level based on the assessment and questionnaires, which are important to get you to your goals.

Bodyweight training is the most convenient and perhaps the most versatile modality available, because the only equipment needed is you. Tony

My fitness-training model is created for you through evidence-based principles of integrated progressive program design to safely help any client reach their fitness goals successfully. Implementation of this methodology will include foundational knowledge of human movement science, functional anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, functional assessments, and program design.Bodyweight training is the most convenient and perhaps the most versatile modality available, because the only equipment needed is you.

Bodyweight exercises are used throughout my training model and can be used as the base for fitness activities from yoga to high intensity interval workouts. Have you ever “miss-stepped” and lost your balance and maybe injured yourself? These exercises will help prepare you for the everyday unexpected. From our heads to our toes, everything is interconnected within the human body. That’s why when it comes to exercise science, our bodies can’t be looked at as individual parts, but instead, as one complete integrated human movement system made up of the nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems. All of these need to work together for us to efficiently create movement.

I will use training protocols that will be most effective for you because of a deeper level of understanding of the human movement system rather than just the anatomy. Having a strong and stable core will also ensure the stability and activation necessary to decrease the potential for injury. Have you ever felt back pain or been told your back is arching during a workout? This could be due to a weak core. A good strength base will set the requirements necessary to develop power and reduce forces encountered in everyday life. Ultimately, this will allow you to be better prepared and avoid injury.